How to Identify the Warning Signs: Vision Problems in Children

How to Identify the Warning Signs: Vision Problems in Children

Unlike adults, children aren’t always aware that there may be a problem relating to their health. It is important that as a parent you look out for warning signs and remain vigilant with your child’s eye health.

To help we have compiled this list of changed signs and habits to look out for, even a small change in behaviour could be an indication that your child’s vision has changed.

  1. Consistently sitting close to the TV or holding books close to their face; whilst the old tale that sitting too close to the TV will give you square eyes isn’t true, it could very well be an indication that your child is having vision problem. 
  2. Frequent eye rubbing; yes, kids rub their eyes when they are tired or upset, however, if they rub their eyes in an attempt to concentrate this could signify an issue.
  3. Losing place while reading or using their finger as a guide; when learning to read this is very common practice. However, as they mature these habits should disappear.
  4. Sensitivity to light; if your child has sensitivity to light it could be a sign of photophobia or extreme light sensitivity. These conditions can cause headaches and nausea.
  5. Closing one eye to read or watch TV; frequently closing one eye could indicate a refractive or binocular vision problem that interferes with the ability of the two eyes to work together comfortably as a team.
  6. A change in grades at school; if your child is having a hard time seeing what his teacher writes on the board because of poor vision, he may not tell you about it. As a result, his grades can suffer.
  7. Avoidance of the TV or Screens because they ‘hurt their eyes’; digital eye strain has become common amongst children. Implement the 20-20-20 rule to give their eyes a rest.
  8. Constant squinting to titling of the head; Teachers should be on the lookout for students who have to squint or tilt their heads to see the board. If you have concerns ask your child’s teacher to keep an eye out for these behaviours.
To read more click here.