World Day for Safety and Health at Work is on this Monday 28th April and the effective management of eye health is an important contribution to a healthy, safe and productive workplace. Up to 50,000 eye injuries occur per year – that’s approximately seven in 1000! Visual impairment or injury reduces a person’s independence and can contribute…

Think B.I.G. for World Glaucoma Week
The theme for this year’s World Glaucoma Week is – B.I.G- Beat Invisible Glaucoma. You can Beat Invisible Glaucoma with a simple optic nerve check. Everyone hopes to preserve their eyesight- this World Glaucoma Week help by taking part in the World’s B.I.G Breakfast. This is especially important if you have been diagnosed as having…

Ten health resolutions to make in 2014
IT’S a new year, which means it’s the ideal time to make a fresh start. When it comes to your health, make sure you’re making the right resolutions. 1. Give up dieting If you’ve been on a fad diet more times than Kanye West has made an idiot of himself in public then that’s one…

Stay healthy on holiday
Dreading a case of well earned break burnout? Prepare yourself to make this time off a period you really enjoy. Isn’t it ironic how many of us fall sick during our holidays? It’s almost like our body makes a pact with the devil to see us through the exams, deadlines and even the obligatory Christmas…