A Simple Test Today could Save your Sight

Early detection of eye disease can help prevent further damage and future loss of vision. As part of our commitment to providing the best eyecare possible, with the assistance of our advanced Canon digital retinal camera, we can instantly view and record the condition of the back of your eyes in extraordinary detail.

This technology helps us to identify conditions related (but not limited) to:

  • Macular degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure

We can then compare images of your retina over time to monitor any changes that may occur. Previously we had to rely on individual written interpretations in an attempt to make such a comparison. Now any abnormalities are exposed quickly and may be treated accordingly.

This simple procedure is painless and can be performed in less than a minute.

Digital Retina Imaging

About the Test

An advanced, high magnification microscope-type instrument is used to view the retina through the patient’s pupil, using an infra-red light source and camera. A harmless low-level flash allows a full colour high-resolution digital image to be captured by a digital camera and stored on a connected computer. Images are displayed in a matter of seconds.

Usually one photo of each eye will suffice, but your Optometrist may advise to take several photos if deemed necessary.

Most patients will not need their pupils dilated for retinal photography using the Canon non-mydriatic retinal camera. However, some with a particularly small pupil or other ocular problems such as cataracts may need dilating drops to enlarge the pupil for clearer photography. In some cases your optometrist may recommend a return visit for the purpose of a dilated examination.

Digital retinal imaging is available during your appointment for a small fee and at present is not covered by Medicare.

Contact us to make a booking.